TBS Law, P.A.
About Relocation
Every marital settlement agreement in Florida usually recites the relocation rules that prevents either party from relocating more than 50 miles from where the child resided at the time of the last Order. Parents wishing to relocate can agree in writing or file a Petition for Relocation with the Court.
There is a great burden trying to prove that relocating more than 50 miles is in the best interest of the children especially if it means less time sharing for the parent not relocating. The requesting parent should have a plan in place to present to the Court and be prepared to answer detailed questions about the new location. Names of schools, standard of living, job benefits etc.
There should also be a proposed time sharing plan that would be in effect if the relocation was granted. The parent requesting the relocation should make every effort to notify the other parent as soon as possible. Withholding the information until your Court date will be frowned upon by the Judge.
The standard will always be what is in the best interest of the minor child(ren) so be prepared to convince the Judge of this fact. Florida Statute 61.13001