TBS Law, P.A.
About Realtor Services
We love working with realtors and bend over backwards trying to help them look like rock stars to help promote more referral business. Our job is to help make each closing a seamless as possible by providing excellent customer service, fast turn-around time and availability 24/7. We work when realtors work and there is never ever a reason to wait until the next business day. We all provide our cell phone numbers for easy access to both the realtors and the clients.
Additionally, we offer Listing Appointment packages that include a Draft HUD-1 or Closing Statement Disclosure, most current tax bill and property appraiser report. We will pull the first page of every current mortgage on the property and allocate a payoff for each one. We will even prorate the taxes and CONDO/HOA fees is provided by the realtor. We ask for 48 hour notice from the realtor and the package will be ready for pick up to take on the listing appointment. I will review any contract or assist in Addendum language for any realtor at no charge.
We have been asked to go on listing appointments, to sponsor open houses, and even speak to a room full of first time home buyers. We offer training classes for new and experienced realtors and welcome the opportunity to come and sponsor a breakfast at your office sometime soon.
Try us once and you will not be disappointed.